Another star-studded year has rolled around, and we find ourselves treading the red carpet once again, confident in the expectation of a BAFTA, an Oscar and a Golden Globe.
So much talent, so many costly productions, so much drama… I’m thinking purely of myself here. This is the second year of the PAWS – Purdey’s Awards for Worldwide Stardom – invented so that my acting abilities receive the recognition that they deserve.
Like last year, I’m generously allowing my fluffy friend, Ponyo, to have a chance of fame. I notice that Ponyo’s roles have been fairly passive of late. You won’t see her doing her own stunts! Two words, Pon: Workout DVD.
Anyway, all you have to do is vote for me… I mean, vote for your favourite movie and favourite actor. The winner will receive a beautiful golden fir cone, and hopefully a largish piece of cheeeese. Ah, cheeese…
To cast your vote, please use the ‘Comments’ form at the bottom of the page, and feel free to leave some praise, too. I don’t mind if it’s lavish. The winner will be announced when I’m in the lead, sometime in February. Thank you for voting!
My nominations…
Ponyo’s nominations:
PS: As suggested by Verity of Sansom Photography, I’m offering a new category for readers’ entries. The conditions are: (a) you must be a cat, and (b) well, I can’t think of any other conditions. Please submit photos to jo (at) or use the Contact form. Entries will be published in a later post. No bribery is allowed, although cheese is always acceptable.